Remodelling of classrooms at Dorchester Primary School to accommodate Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) pupils have now been completed.

The Bransholme school was subject to significant development which has created an additional 20 places for pupils with SEND.

Remodelling took place over the summer holidays and were completed in time for the new school year starting in September.

Hull City Council entered a contract with Hull Esteem Consortium LEP Limited to carry out the project which help to ensure that there are enough spaces and required provisions to support SEND pupils.

Cllr Tock, portfolio holder for children’s services at the council, said: “SEND provisions are much-needed throughout the city and I am delighted that the council has continued to ensure that it matches those needs.

“I have been looking forward to seeing the final project and it is fantastic to see it in person.

“I can’t wait to see Hull’s pupils thrive in the new facility.”

Stuart Mills, headteacher at Dorchester Primary School, said: “The new SEND classrooms are fantastic. The children love them and so do the staff.

“Having a SEND Unit within our school not only benefits children with SEND, but also the rest of the school too, as we can ensure that every child is supported to flourish.

“By working with the Local Authority, we have managed to create 20 places for pupils with complex needs who require specialist provision and our highly skilled staff are looking forward to developing the provision over the coming years to meet the needs of every child.

“We’d like to thank the council and its partners for providing this provision to Dorchester Primary and we look forward to continuing to work with the authority’s SEND team in the future.”